课程简介:What do Wall Street, the bustling trade markets in Hong Kong and the flower auction in Aalsmeer have in common? We live in an increasingly connected world where business is often conducted on a global scale, with customers and suppliers spread over many countries. Companies that operate in an international business setting continue to look for employees who are able to cope with such complexity. For this, you need to accumulate a wealth of knowledge across all the main business fields: accounting, marketing, management and fnance. The Master's programme in International Management prepares you to understand and manage this rapidly changing process of globalisation. The scope of the programme is broad, although there are several opportunities for specialisation in specific disciplines by choosing appropriate electives. Furthermore, the MSc in International Management offers you teaching based on both theory and cases.
学校简介:蒂尔堡大学是一所国际化程度非常高的大学,成立于1927年。在荷兰和欧洲商务类学科评估中,多次名列前茅。2003年12月的欧洲经济协会月刊上,蒂尔堡大学在欧洲经济学研究水平中排名第一。蒂尔堡大学还得到了美国国际管理教育协会(AACSB :Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)的认证,是目前欧洲13个得到AACSB认证的学院之一,该院附属的经济学研究所和计量经济学研究所在欧洲乃至世界都享有盛名。