



2017-05-03 16:50:00


  That France is one of the world's most popular study abroad destinations is surely no great surprise. Read on to find out why so many international students choose to study in France – and what to do next if you want to join them.

  France conjures up a distinct set of associations in our collective imagination. From the urbane sophistication and history of its cities, to its legendary food and wine, to the spectacular scenery – think rugged mountains and verdant forests, golden beaches and azure seas, rolling pastures and mighty rivers – everyone has their own idealized conception of France. This is reflected in its status as the world’s most popular tourist destination, according to the United Nations World Tourist Organization.

  Perhaps your personal image of France involves its proud intellectual and artistic heritage. This is the nation, after all, which produced thinkers such as René Descartes and Jean-Paul Sartre, authors like Marcel Proust and Albert Camus, filmmakers like Jean-Luc Godard and Jean Renoir, and artists like Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne. On top of these names we can add a whole host of scientists, mathematicians and other researchers, whose names may be slightly less familiar, but whose achievements are no less spectacular.

  If you’re keen to visit France not just as a holiday-maker but as a student, read on to find out about French universities, student cities, and how to get started with applications, costs and visas.





  France’s strong academic and artistic tradition continues in the modern day; there are few countries which invest as much in research and education. Global university rankings reflect this; a total of 39 French universities are included in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, of which 10 are within the global top 250. The nation’s two leading universities, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris and Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech, both make the world's top 55 at 33rd and joint 53rd respectively, cementing their reputations as two of Europe’s and the world’s leading institutions.

  In addition to the 39 French universities featured in the QS World University Rankings, France is also known for its strong contingent of specialized business schools. These are not placed in the overall rankings due to their subject-specific focus, but nonetheless enjoy wide-reaching international reputations. Notable examples include ESCP Europe, ESSEC Business School, HEC Paris and INSEAD.

  What’s more, tuition fees at the leading universities in France are among the lowest in the world, with annual fees averaging under US$1,000 per year for domestic and international students alike.

  So is studying in France for you? Well, if you want to attend a high-quality institution at an affordable cost, become fluent in the beautiful and internationally used French language, and generally get to grips with the nation’s famed art de vivre, then the answer could well be "oui".


  除了在QS世界大学排名中出现的那39所法国大学之外,法国还以其强大、专业的商学院著称。由于这些大学的特定专业领域限制,因此他们都没有进入综合大学排名,但是这些大学却享有广泛的国际声誉。著名的例子包括欧洲高等商学院(是世界上第一所商学院,被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院之一)、埃塞克商学院(高等经济商业学院)、巴黎高等商学院和英士国际商学院 (欧洲工商管理学院)。




  QS Best Student Cities ranking: 2nd

  After four consecutive years at the top of the QS Best Student Cities index, the 2017 edition sees theFrench capital fall one place (losing out to fellow Francophone city Montréal).

  Paris’ consistently strong placing in the index is largely due to its high concentration of internationally ranking universities. Home to 18 universities featured in the QS World University Rankings® (either overall or in specific indicators), it lays claim to comfortably more world-leading institutions than almost any city on the planet – with the exceptions of Seoul (also 18) and London (17).

  While Paris does have a (justified) reputation for its high cost of living, this is to a large extent balanced out by low tuition fees – though of course enjoying all the delights of life in this iconic European capital will certainly stretch your student budget, especially if you’re into haute couture and haute cuisine…

  Elite Parisian universities and specialized schools such as ENS Paris, Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech,Sciences Po Paris, Université Paris-Sorbonne (ParisIV) and HEC Paris have produced some of the most important philosophers, theorists, scientists, politicians, business leaders and mathematicians of the last 100 years, along with seminal movements in literature, film and art. Today, Parisian graduates are targeted by a vast range of employers across the continent, as is reflected in the city’s strong score in the Employer Activity category of the index.

  Though its reign at the top of the Best Student Cities table has now been interrupted, the City of Love is certain to hold its place in the hearts of prospective students across the world. Will it be back in the number one spot next year? Have your say.

  Internationally ranked universities in Paris

  Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (ENS Paris); Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC); CentraleSupélec; Université Paris-Sorbonne (ParisIV); Sciences Po Paris; Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne; Université Paris-Sud 11; Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan; École des Ponts ParisTech; Université Paris Dauphine; Université Paris Descartes; Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2); Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense; ESCP Europe; ESSEC Business School, Paris; HEC Paris

  More about Paris

Number of institutions ranked by QS 18
Highest-ranked institution ENS Paris (33rd in the world)
Population 12,405,000
Average international fees (at ranked unis) US$2,900
Desirability rank 25th
Employer Activity rank 6th
Affordability rank 38th
Student Experience rank 20th





  虽然巴黎确实有着生活费用高昂的名声(但是也是合理的) ,其实高额的生活费用很大程度上被低学费抵消了——但是,如果你在这个标志性的欧洲国家首都享受生活的所有乐趣,肯定会进一步增长你的留学预算,尤其是如果你想要高级时装和美食的话……





  在巴黎的学生经常可以与顶尖的学者交流,尽管学费不高,巴黎的一流大学还提供小班授课和精英教学。巴黎经常被评为欧洲最适宜居住的城市之一。总的说来,所有在QS世界最佳留学城市排名中的评分标准,都不足以传达在巴黎留学真正的魅力— —这是一座世界上最具历史性和文化性,也是最美丽城市之一。


  巴黎高等师范学院; 巴黎综合理工大学; 巴黎第六大学; 巴黎中央理工-高等电力学院; 巴黎第四大学; 巴黎政治大学; 巴黎第一大学; 巴黎第十一大学; 巴黎第七大学; 卡尚高等师范学院; 法国国立路桥学校; 巴黎第九大学; 巴黎第五大学; 巴黎第二大学; 巴黎第十大学; 欧洲管理学院; 巴黎高等经济商业学院; 巴黎高等商学院


进入QS世界大学排名的大学数量 18
所有大学中排名最高的大学 巴黎高等师范学院(世界大学排名第33位)
人口数量 12,405,000
国际留学生平均学费数额(在进入排名的大学中) 2,900美元
合意性排名 第25位
雇主活动排名 第6位
负担能力排名 第38位
学生体验排名 第20位


  QS Best Student Cities ranking: Joint 34th

  Lyon is known as the gastronomic capital of France – which is really saying something – and is positioned at the picturesque confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers, with a charming medieval center that is beautifully illuminated after dark.

  It is also home to one of the nation's top institutions, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ranked fifth in France and joint 177th in the world), plus four others included in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017.

  As you would expect, Lyon has a buzzing student scene, and it’s also known for offering a very high quality of life, but with significantly lower living costs than the French capital. With relatively low tuition fees at French universities, this makes Lyon one of the best value destinations in the QS Best Student Cities index, with a top-25 score in the Affordability category.

  Lyon also places within the top 50 of the new Student View category, reflecting the city’s strengths in culture, nightlife, affordability and more. When asked to name the best things about Lyon, one respondent to our student survey summarized: “Great diversity of students from all over the world, exciting nightlife.” Another commented, “It's a small city but a big European hub, full of great industry, great culture, great music...”

  Are you studying in Lyon? Share your experience.

  Internationally ranked universities in Lyon

  Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon; Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA); Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; Université Lumière Lyon 2; Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

  More about Lyon

Number of universities ranked by QS 5
Highest-ranked institution Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (joint 177th)
Population 2,238,000
Average international fees (at ranked unis) US$300
Desirability rank 51st
Employer Activity rank 53rd
Affordability rank 23rd
Student Experience rank 40th







  里昂是法国重要的工业城市和除巴黎之外最重要的科教中心,也是法国乃至欧洲重要的文化与艺术中心,机械、电子、化工、重型汽车、计算机等产业实力雄厚,拥有20余所高等院校和科研机构,通常被认为是法国的第二大都市区。里昂也是法国著名的旅游城市。老里昂(Vieux Lyon)的中心地区保存有丰富的历史遗迹,有罗马时代和文艺复兴时期的古建筑,被誉为“拥有一颗粉红的心脏”,新城区和郊区也有多处休闲公园和绿地。







进入QS世界大学排名的大学数量 5
所有大学中排名最高的大学 里昂高等师范学院(世界大学排名并列第177位)
人口数量 2,238,000
国际留学生平均学费数额(在进入排名的大学中) 300美元
合意性排名 第51位
雇主活动排名 第53位
负担能力排名 第23位
学生体验排名 第40位


  QS Best Student Cities ranking: 68th

  The fourth-largest city in France, Toulouse is peppered with unique historical architecture, including the impressive Capitole de Toulouse (above). Indeed, the use of pinkish terracotta bricks in its buildings has earned the city the nickname la Ville Rose ("the Pink City"). Toulouse is also traversed by the Canal du Midi (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), so if the idea of intellectual debate in charming surroundings appeals, then Toulouse could be for you.

  Located in the south-west of the country, Toulouse is known for being a major center for aerospace, and is esteemed by many as Europe’s predominant city in this industry. And if you want to get out of the city, then the South of France is your oyster, with the proximity of the Pyrenees allowing skiers to get their fix.

  Home to three universities featured in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, Toulouse can certainly hold its own as a study abroad destination. The Université de Toulouse system, which incorporates all three of these, is among the oldest in the world, with its roots traceable back to the 13th century.

  The city has a sizeable student population and a high percentage of international students, earning it a high score in the Student Mix category of the QS Best Student Cities index. However, Toulouse receives its strongest score for Affordability, thanks to a combination of very low tuition fees and lower living costs than the French capital, Paris.

  Are you studying in Toulouse? Rate your experience.

  Internationally ranked universities in Toulouse

  Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III; Université Toulouse 1, Capitole; University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès

  More about Toulouse

Number of universities ranked by QS

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