

出国留学套磁模板介绍 怎样准备套磁信写作


2021-04-17 14:21:00


  准备套磁的学生,一定要认真的进行基础的了解,保证自己写作的文书,能够顺利打动审核人员。下面和出国留学网一起看看出国留学套磁模板介绍 怎样准备套磁信写作?


  “I am a 2nd year PhD Candidate from XXXXXXX school ( a ) and am now applying for XXXXX PhD student program. The committee told me that I should contact one potential advisor who can guide my research in the U.S. before I submit my application. Thus I write this letter to you to enquire the possibility for me to do research with you under your supervision.”

  I read your paper "__________" during my master's thesis. This paper did inspire me a lot and I successfully published my paper on __________ journal. The area I am now focusing on is the research on the transmission path of the international financial market—based on time-varying copula and Mean Tail Dependence Coefficient. In this research, I am planning to ________  I will _______. After that, _______.

  One thing should be mentioned is that the XXXXXXX will provide financial support for my research in the U.S., which include both the daily expenses and the transportation cost. You can know more about me in my personal webpage: . and I also attached my research objective for XXXXXX and the recommendation letters of experts for your consideration.

  If you have any question, please contact me via this email. Thanks for sparing time to read my letter. I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks.


  About possible opportunity to study on A (研究方向) and related fields

  Professor XX,


  I am an international applicant for ZZ PhD program at your department. I am  pursuing my master’s degree at YYYY University in China at present and hope to  continue my study at your department.

  In the past two years, I have been doing research as a research assistant  in the laboratory of Professor WW, who is the … . My research is mainly focused  on AAAA(具体化你的研究方向). My thesis topic is “TTTT”. In addition, I have publications  in the field of A.

  As I noticed from your CV, your recent research involves PPPP. I read some  of your publications in this field. As far as I am concerned, the LLLL presented  in these works are really insightful. In addition, the methods you proposed to  model EEEE are quite novel. The original comparison of CC and MM on their SSSS  contributed significantly to the related research field.

  As mentioned above, I have done some research on A, so I want to do more  research in this field or other related fields in my PhD study. Pursuing my ZZ  PhD degree in University of VV is one of my top choices, and working with you  can definitely advance my academic career.

  I am wondering if you have any plan to recruit new PhD candidate in 201*  spring/fall, or do you think my background is suitable to work in your  group?

  To help you know me better, herewith I enclose my CV, and one conference  paper on A. If you are interested, you can also visit my personal website  at:

  I am looking forward to your reply.




  YYYY University





  日本留学套磁信写作指南 留学日本如何套磁

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