

2021年出国留学MBA essay写作范文介绍


2021-04-14 11:30:00


  留学的申请准备,需要大家提前开始,其中文书属于主观性比较强的部分,大家可以根据自己的情况进行写作。跟着出国留学网来看看2021年出国留学MBA essay写作范文介绍。


  In terms of my personal challenge, my experience as an international volunteer greatly impressed and improved me. My decision to volunteer in African countries originated in my hope to help those who were in need of help and improve myself. Bearing this in my mind, I turned to International Association of Students in Economics and Management (AIESEC) and applied the position of volunteer in Kenya, Tanzania and Mauritius, because, to my mind, African countries were in extreme need of help than other countries.

  Several interviews witnessed my successful recruitment. However, my parents got extremely angry with what I did and did not agree with me at all, because they held great worries for my safety due to the bad living conditions, prevalent illness, and erratic political circumstance and so on. Considering this point, I chose the relatively safer country, Mauritius. However, once I denied Kenya and Tanzania, the person in charge of this activity informed me that the number of volunteers in Mauritius was full because of his carelessness. Therefore, I again found some opportunity at the end of approval day. Fortunately, the chief person being responsible for volunteer activity in Tanzania promised to give me another chance. Meanwhile, I actively kept in touch with the person in Mauritius and sought counsels to persuade my parents. Being the only daughter in our family, my parents held a total negative attitude towards my action, but I knew I should not give up. If I did so, my previous effort was in vain. Therefore, I turned to the previous volunteers and asked one of them to help me to persuade my father by emphasizing the safety measures that AIESEC took to guarantee my safety.

  Upon knowing the truth, my father finally was convinced by me and helped me to persuade my mother and grandparents. At this moment, the person in Mauritius told me that he had added my place and I decided to volunteer in Mauritius at last to comfort them, though my parents had agreed with my volunteer activity in Tanzania.

  This experience made me a good volunteer. Meanwhile, I realized the significance of interaction and persistence in life.


  As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release I was writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfway around the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for the Youth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after an exhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade world leaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuing sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood the importance of sustainable development in this context. Then, I was chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raised all of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunate around the globe.

  It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goals set to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another to visit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and to meet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. This observation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people.

  After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to the International Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates for government representatives to read and consider while negotiating. While at the WSSD, aside from writing daily press releases that became Associated Press and reuters articles, I drafted speeches which were presented to the delegates, including over one hundred heads of state. I experienced an adrenaline rush when I felded questions from reporters during a press conference. These challenging situations were new learning opportunities for me and provided me with knowledge much different from what one learns in high school. I want to learn more about the histories of international fnancial institutions and the ways they interact with national governments.

  As a result of my attending the World Summit, I have gained a new perspective on global politics and its effects on people's lives. The thought that people from around the world can join together to solve a global issue never fails to impress and inspire me.

  My participation in the WSSD has taught me more about the convergence of politics, international relations and the environment than I have learned in any other activity or in the classroom. Working with others to reveal the crucial need for sustainable development is essential to our world's successful future. All of my experiences have helped me to understand how international meetings operate and to accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege to attend and contribute to the solution.





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