



2020-12-31 11:27:00




















  1. 对于高中申本科学生来说,简历中的东西最好不要和其他文书中的内容重复,要写一些其他的内容里不会涉及到的东西,尽可能多方面反应学生的素质。

  2. 对于本科申硕士研究生,或者硕士研究生申博士研究生的学生来说,简历类似其他文书的目录,要做到文笔简洁,内容丰富,要简洁而有力,即在其他文书中可以详述简历中的内容。

  3. 申请本科的学生和申请研究生学生的简历写作方式类似,不同点在于所提供的信息类型和这些信息所占的比例。

  4. 简历中写的东西要让招生官觉得你与众不同,强调“个性化”,目的明确,就是为这个学校而来的。



  Current : University of California Berkeley - Berkeley, CA

  Masters Student: School of Information Management and Systems

  Expected Graduation: Spring 2006

  2001-2003: Parsons School of Design – New York, NY

  Master of Fine Arts: Design and Technology Software/Courses: Flash, Flash Action Script, MySQL, PHP, Director, Lingo

  Programming, Designing Education, Designed Play, Collaboration Studio, and Spectacular Experiences in Media

  Thesis: Jot: a tool for collaborative information capture.

  Development Site: http://a.parsons.edu/~carrie/thesis

  GPA: 3.81

  1997 - 2001: University of Wisconsin Stevens Point – Stevens Point, WI

  Bachelors of Science: Computer Information Systems: Software/Courses: C++, Visual Basic, ASP, Access, Excel, Word, Systems Analysis and Design, Computer Hardware and Networking, Database Design (with personal Oracle)

  Minor: Technology and New Media Art: Software/Courses: Web Design, Flash, 3DStudio Max, and an independent study creating a virtual tour of the UWSP campus in Macromedia Flash

  Graduated Cum Laude

  GPA: 3.54



  Spring 2004 & Summer 2004: University of Wisconsin Stevens Point – Stevens Point, WI

  Assistant Professor: Web and Digital Media Development (WDMD) major in the Mathematics and Computing Department. Taught

  courses including, Digital Media Creation, 3-D Computer Graphics, and A Survey of Internet, Technology and New Media Arts. Served

  on the WDMD curriculum committee. Of special note: Taught the first senior seminar/project course. Students worked in a team of five

  to develop a real world project from start to finish.

  Fall 2003 & 2002: Parsons School of Design – New York, NY

  (2003) Adjunct Professor: taught two required BFA in Design and Technology Multimedia Programming courses. The classes focused

  on programming fundamentals for new media artists projects were developed using Flash ActionScript.

  (2002) Instructor: undergraduate elective course, Multimedia with Director.

  Summer 2002: Parsons School of Design – New York, NY

  (2002) Instructor: Code Instructor for MFADT Digital Boot Camp.

  Boot camp is a summer intensive to prepare new MFADT students for the fall. Taught using Design by Numbers and Flash Action


  Spring 2002/Fall 2002: Parsons School of Design – New York, NY

  Teachers Assistant: Responsible for teaching a lab section of the graduate Programming and Computation class. Topics included:

  basic C programming, construction of gates using bread boards, computer hardware, as well as others.

  Design & Technical:

  Summer 2005: Yahoo Research Lab Berkeley - Berkeley, CA

  Internship: Interaction Design, working with time-based tagging systems, and mobile applications. Team Lead for User Experience

  Design group http://research.yahoo.com/berkeley/

  Summer 2004 – Summer 2005: University of California Berkeley – Berkeley, CA

  Graduate Research Assistant for Garage Cinema Research: Started as a Mobile Media Metadata 2 (MMM2) Interaction Design Team

  member. Team lead for the continued research of MMM2 during the 2004-2005 school year and the summer of 2005.

  October – November 2003: Atlantic Records – New York, NY

  Contract Developer: Developed web-based projects including photo galleries for bands, php back-end scripts for Flash Movies, and a

  suite of production scheduling tools. Worked with technologies including, MySQL, Flash, Action Script, ASP, PHP and XML.

  Spring 2003: Parsons School of Design – New York, NY

  Student Council Member: Chair of Thesis Show Website Committee.

  Worked with a team of five to develop a website to showcase the work that was being displayed at the thesis show. Also acted as the

  lead programmer, developing the database, data entry pages, and the thesis website itself. http://a.parsons.edu/~show2003

  Student Council Member: Member of the Thesis Show Catalog Committee.

  Collaborated with team members to produce a printed catalog of thesis work. Developed a database system that allowed MFADT

  students to input the information required in the catalog.

  Summer 2002: New York Immigration Coalition – New York, NY

  Internship: Worked collaboratively with three MFADT students on a data-driven website using PHP and MySQL.

  1999/2000 Summers: Marshfield Clinic – Marshfield, WI

  Programmer Analyst Internship: Worked collaboratively with a mentor to create Graphic User Interface (GUIs) programs in Visual C++.

  Publications & Art Installations:

  November 16 & November 30, 2005: The Pacific Film Archive, Busy Signals: Telephonic Art in Motion

  Designed and developed an art installation enabling the audience to share pictures taken during the show or taken previously with

  other audience members. The photos were then displayed on the 12-foot screen provided at the archive. (group members: Carrie

  Burgener & Benjamin Hill)

  ACMMM 2005: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing

  Marc Davis, John Canny, Nancy Van House, Nathan Good, Simon King, Rahul Nair, Carrie Burgener, Bruce Rinehart, Rachel

  Strickland, Guy Campbell, Scott Fisher, and Nick Reid. "MMM2: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing (Video Description)." In:

  Proceedings of 13th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2005) in Singapore, ACM Press, 2005.

  CHI 2005: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing (Paper)

  Marc Davis, Nancy Van House, Jeff Towle, Simon King, Shane Ahern, Carrie Burgener, Dan Perkel, Megan Finn, Vijay Viswanathan,

  and Matthew Rothenberg. "MMM2: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing." In: Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human

  Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005) in Portland, Oregon, ACM Press, 1335-1338, 2005.

  CHI 2005: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing (Video)

  Marc Davis, John Canny, Nancy Van House, Nathan Good, Simon King, Rahul Nair, Carrie Burgener, Bruce Rinehart, Rachel

  Strickland, Guy Campbell, Scott Fisher, and Nick Reid. "MMM2: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing (Video)." In: Proceedings of

  13th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2005) in Singapore, ACM Press, 2005.

  Spring 2003: Masters of Fine Art: Design and Technology Thesis Show

  Exhibited my thesis project “Jot” in the MFADT Show, at the Parsons School of Design gallery.

  Summer 2002: Design and Technology Show at Rockefeller Center

  Video of a full-body, physical, two player game called “Sniffer” was displayed during the exhibition.


  November 2005: Busy Signals: Telephonic Art in Motion Show at Pacific Film Archive Written up on rhizome.org:


  CHI 2005: Mobile Media Metadata for Media Sharing (Video): Won best video at ACMMM 2005.

  Fall 2004: University of California Berkeley Masters Fellowship: Fellowship recipient for the 2005-2006 school year

  April 2003: Metropolis Magazine Article “If These Walls Could Respond”

  Group project developed during the fall of 2002 studying responsive architecture.

  Spring 2003: Center for New Design: Exceptional Thesis Project Presentation

  One of three MFADT students to asked to participate in an open presentation to the New School/Parsons community





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