

听力练习材料推荐:I Am Good at Debating


2016-03-30 14:12:00


  下面是出国留学网小编为大家整理的美国总统英语访谈录之采访美国第40任总统:罗纳德里根--从好莱坞明星到美国总统: I Am Good at Debating 我很善于辩论,采访文稿中英对照。详细内容如下,欢迎参考。


  Reporter: Mr. President, welcome. We want to go through and talk about the presidential debates that you’ve participated in, and also get some general comments. First, 1980 there were two debates. You debated John Anderson,then you debated President Carter. What led up to the decision to debate Anderson by himself

  记者:总统先生,欢迎。我们想回顾并 讨论一下你参加的那些总统竞选辩论, 还想听一下你的一些评论。首先,1980 年有两次辩论。你和约翰安德森有 一场辩论,后来又和卡 特总统进行了辩论。是 什么让你最终决定和安 德森进行辩论的?

  Reagan: Well,he was a candidate, as you recall, independent 一 there were three of us, and they wanted a three-way debate, and Carter refused to do that one, and I didn’t see any reason why Anderson should be excommunicated. So I said no, I would go forward with it. It became just a two-way debate.

  里根:嗯,他是候选 人,你也记得,我们三 个要竞选总统,他们想 要三方辩论。但是卡特 拒绝这么做,而我觉得 没有理由把安德森排除在外,所以我说不,我要和安德森进行 辩论。于是我们两个就先进行了辩论。

  Reporter: How did you feel about that debate ?How did you feel you did? Were there any special preparations you did because it was John Anderson? Do you remember?

  记者:你对那次辩论有什么感觉?你觉 得你表现如何?有没有因为对手是安德 森而作了特别的准备?你还记得当时的 情景吗?

  Reagan: No, and I felt that I did all right. The questions were pretty legitimate questions on policies and so forth, and they were answered. I did say that one, he had made some very complimentary remarks at a time about Teddy Kennedy, and I couldn’t resist, as we were sitting there waiting for another question, I asked him aloud if he really thought Teddy Kennedy should be president.

  里根:不太记得了,但是我感觉我表现 还不错。问题基本上都是关于政治的一 些合理的问题等,也得到了答复。我 说过这个问题,他一次说了很多赞赏泰 迪肯尼迪的话,我当时不能反驳, 当我们坐在那里等待下一个问题时,我 大声地问他是否真的认为泰迪肯尼 迪应该当总统。

  Reporter: On President Carter, President Carter said that he wanted three or four, even more debates with you, one-on-one, and the end result was only one. What was your thinking, the campaign strategy about taking on Jimmy Carter, and how many debates there should be, etc.

  记者:卡特总统,卡特总统说他想要和 你进行三、四场或更多一对一的辩论, 但是最后你们只进行了一场。你当时觉 得取代吉米卡特总统的竞选策略是 什么?应该有多少场这样的辩论。

  Reagan: Well, frankly, I thought that the position I had taken with regard to Anderson was one of the reasons why two men debates, then why should just I should join him in isolating and eliminating Anderson from the debates. And then it was down to~ we’re getting right down to the last days of the campaign, and it was pretty obvious that we were the two candidates out there, and then when it was offered again, I accepted and said all right, we’ll do this last debate, the two of us.

  里根:嗯,坦率地说,我认为我对安德 森采取的姿态是我和卡特要进行辩论的 其中一个原因,也是我为什么应该和卡 特进行单独辩论,而不带安德森的原因 之一。接下来就到了竞选的最后阶段 了,很明显只有我们两名候选人了,当 他再提出辩论的要求后,我接受了,说 好的,我们两个人来进行最后一场辩论。就我们两个。

  Reporter: What was your feeling about your own abilities as a debater, whether it was Jimmy Carter, John Anderson, or whatever? Was it something you looked forward to, something you dreaded? How did you feel about debating?

  记者:你认为你作为辩论者来说能力如 何?不管是对吉米卡特还是安德森 或是其他什么人。有没有什么东西是你 期待的,或者恐惧的?你对辩论有什么 想法?

  Reagan: Well, I didn’t dread it, and having gone through a couple of elections with regard to the governorship, I saw some value in them. It was a chance for a contrast between the positions of the two individuals, and this is what the people should be voting on. And so when it finally came down to the wire, it was obvious that the race was between the two of us. I proposed, or I said yes, I would debate.

  里根:嗯,我不害怕辩论,而且经过竞 选总统的几场选举之 后,我看到了辩论的 价值。这是两个人彼 此较量的机会,也是 人民应该支持的活 动。所以当最后时刻 到来时,这场竞赛显 然就变成了我们两个 人之间的竞争。我提 议的辩论,或者是他 提议后我同意的,我都参加。

  Reporter: What kind of preparation did you go through for the Jimmy Carter debate?

  记者:你为应对吉米卡特做了什么 样的准备啊?

  Reagan: Well, we had come back for the final days here and had a place down in Virginia that had been loaned to us,a home down there, and so we could be campaigning more here in the East and all. And yes, we would get together, and they would throw questions at me and so forth, our people would, and we had several days of this, and I thought it helped to do that...

  里根:嗯,我们得回到竞选的最后阶 段,那时弗吉尼亚以北有一处借给我们 用的房子,我们在东部所有地区的竞选 活动都是在那里进行的。没错,我们俩 聚在一起,他们会抛给我问题,我们的 民众也会问我问题,这种情况大概持续 了几天,我认为这对我们做准备有帮助。

  Reporter: What was the difference between the preparation and the debate itself? When you got there,did you feel like that you had prepared properly for it?

  记者:做准备和辩论本身有什么区别? 你开始辩论后,你有没有觉得你的准备 恰到好处?

  Reagan: Yes. Yes. It was just things of him trying to think based on the campaign positions that both of us had taken to where there were differences and so forth, well, to zero in on those differences so the people had a right to see what views each one of us had on specific things.

  里根:是的,没错。我就是基于辩论中 我们两人所处的位置和我们位置的差别 等进行考虑的。通过那些差别,人们有 权看到我们每个人在具体的问题上都持 有什么样的观点。

  Reporter: Did you have a strategy going into the debate that you wanted to accomplish the following, if nothing else, or establish a certain thing?

  记者:有没有什么战略是在进行辩论之 后,如果不出什么意外,你想接下来完 成的?或者是树立某种东西?

  Reagan: Well, I believe that I had a program, that I wasn’t just going in there and asking for the job and then saying now what do we do. I had some things that I thought very definitely should be done, and that was what I felt should come out of the debate. The people had a right to hear what were our plans, what were our philosophies.

  里根:嗯,我想我有一个计划,但是不 是那种要求当总统,说我们现在会做什 么之类的计划。我有一些我认为应该做 的计划,也就是我感觉应该在辩论中体 现出来的。人们有权听到我们的计划内 容,以及我们的 哲学理念。

  Reporter: President Carter said that his strategy going into that debate was to show the people that you were not that well informed on national security and foreign affairs policy. Did you know that going in, that that was his target?

  记者:卡特总统 曾说他的辩论策 略是向人民表明 你对国家安防和 外交政策并不是 很了解。你那时 候知道那是他的 目标吗?

  Reagan: No, I didn’t really know that,but I think he was a little off base in that because as governor, first of all, I was governor of a state that if it were a nation, would be the seventh ranking economic power in the world, California. But also, President Nixon had asked me on a number of occasions to represent him on trips abroad. And I had been in 18 countries and actually meeting with the heads of state of 18 countries while I was still a governor. And I think that I had a pretty good insight into our foreign policy and those foreign affairs.

  里根:不知道,但是我认为他有些偏题 了。因为作为一个州长,首先我是一 个州长,如果那个州是一个国家,那 它——加利福尼亚也是世界上第七大经 济体。而且尼克松总统也曾经多次让我 代表他进行国际访问。我去过18个国 家,事实上在我还是州长的时候也会见 了 18个国家的首脑。我认为我对我们 的外交政策和外交事务有很深的见解。

  Reporter: That debate is remembered for several things. One of them is your line, “There you go again.” Tell me about that. How did that come about? It was about Medicare. It came up in a discussion about Medicare, and whether you had favored it or not, early on. And you said, “There you go again.”

  记者:那场辩论让我们记住了几件事。 一件是你的台词“你又来这一套”。跟 我们讲讲,为什么这么说。讲的是医疗 保障。是你在一场关于医疗保障的辩论 中说的。不管你支不支持,你说,“你 又来这一套”。

  Reagan: Oh, yes. Well, at that time, some of the people who were proposing this, and I wasn’t against the Medicare bill that finally came along, but some of the people that were proposing this, it was obvious that they, in reality, wanted socialized medicine. And I know a little bit about socialized medicine as it’s practiced in a number of other countries...

  里根:哦,是的,那时,是对一些提出 建议的人们说的,我不是针对最后出炉 的医疗法案。而是针对一些提议这个 法案的人,显然,实际上是想要全民医保。因为全民医保在很多国家都有实 行,所以我对此也了解一些…

  Reporter: Was “There you go again” a line that just came to you spontaneously, or was it something that you had worked on?

  记者:那“你又来这一套”这句台词是 自然而然说出来的还是你想出来的?

  Reagan: No, it just seemed to be the thing to say in what he was saying up there, because it was to me it felt kind of repetitious, something we had heard before.

  里根:当时好像是他说到那了,我话赶 话说出来的。因为对我来说,那都是陈 词老调了,我们之前早就听说了。

  Reporter: The other thing that came out of that debate was President Carter’s statement about his daughter, Amy, and that he had talked to his daughter about what the big issue was, and she had said nuclear proliferation, nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament. When he said that, as you were standing there on the stage, did you were you aware of the fact that he had made a terrible mistake?

  记者:另外一件事是卡特总统关于他的 女儿艾米的陈述。他说他曾经和他女儿 讨论过,大事应是什么问题。她说是核 扩散、核武器和核武器解除。当他这么 说的时候,你站在那里,有没有意识到 他犯了一个严重的错误?

  Reagan: It seemed to me he had, because the whole thing sounded, and I think you could almost feel an attitude from the audience on it, that the President was going to make a major policy based on what a child told him? And I’m sure he didn’t have that in mind, but that’s the way it came out. And I was prepared to say to the people, I promise them I wouldn’t ask my kids what I should do.

  里根:在我看来是的。因为整件事情听 起来,我想你几乎能感到当时观众对此的态度, 卡特总统 是基于一 个孩子的 话作出的 重大决 定?我确 信他当时 没有想到 这一点,只是自然而然说出来了。我准备告诉人 们,我承诺决不问我的孩子我该怎么做。

  Reporter: That’s how you felt that night. You didn’t do that when he said it. Generally, how important do you think that debate was to your having defeated President Carter?

  记者:那是你那晚的感受。他当时说的 时候,你并没有那么做。总体来说,你 认为那场辩论对你打败卡特总统有多大 用处?

  Reagan: Well, I think there were some things. As a matter of fact, I think a very telling line was at the very end of the debate when I told the people that if they believed they were better off than they were four years ago, then they had no other choice but to vote for my opponent. But if they thought they weren’t better off, and there were things that could be done, I’d like to offer myself as the candidate for their selection. And I did feel that there were very definite shortcomings; that we were being told by our government before that election that we should lower our sights. That never again would we live at the level that we had lived as Americans, that the world was different now and we must be willing to tighten our belts and not have the things we used to have. Well, my philosophy and my belief was that there was a long way for us to go in improving what we had ever known before, that this country of ours was a country of constant improvement. And so I thought that my whole approach was based on t

  he promise of a better America...

  里根:嗯,我认为是有些用处。事实 上,我认为当我告诉人们如果他们认为 他们比四年前过得更好,那就不要做别 的选择,而是直接投票给我的竞选对 手,这句台词是当时辩论的终结。但是如果他们没有过得更好,他们可以做 一些事,而我作为候选人是可以由他们 来决定当选与否的。我确实觉得有很大 缺陷,我们的政府在竞选之前就告诉我 们,我们应该降低我们的预期。我们永 远不会回到作为普通美国人曾经生活的 那个层次,现在世界不同了,我们必须 愿意勒紧腰带,接受不再拥有我们曾经 拥有的东西的这个事实。嗯,我的哲学 和信仰是我们要是想改善我们曾经知道 的东西还有很长的一段路要走。我们这 个国家是持续进步的。所以我认为我的 整个策略是基于我对建立一个更好的美 国的承诺……

  Reporter: Let’s move to 1984. You debated Walter Mondale twice; the first debate, Louisville, Kentucky. The consensus afterward, Mr. President, was that you were tired, didn’t do that well, etc. Do you agree with that? Were you tired?

  记者:让我们回到1984年。你两次和 沃尔特孟德尔进行辩论,第一次是 在肯塔基的路易斯维尔进行的。总统先 生,后来人们一致认为是你累了,所以 做得不够好等等。你同意这种说法吗? 你是累了吗?

  Reagan: No, it wasn’t tired. I was overtrained. We then —being there in office and all,everyone available, I want to tell you, I just had more facts and figures poured at me for weeks before than anyone could possibly sort out and use, and I call it overtraining. When I got there, I realized that I was wracking my brain so much for facts and figures on whatever subject we were talking about, that I knew I didn’t do well. And the second debate, I wasn’t overtrained.

  里根:不,不是累的原因。我是训练过 度了。我们当时都在办公室,每个人都 在。我想告诉你,我只有几周时间可查 到能使用的事实和数据,我把这个称为 过度训练。当我到那后,我意识到,讨 论涉及的数据和事实让我晕头转向,我 知道我做得不好。而在第二场辩论中, 我没有进行过度训练。

  Reporter: And you feel you pulled that one out, no question about that one, right?

  记者:你是不是感觉完全放弃了那场, 对那场争论没有任何质疑?

  Reagan: Yes.






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