

托福写作范文 :提高免费互联网服务


2018-06-29 13:07:00


  对于托福写作能力不是特别好的同学们来说,了解别人是怎么写优秀作文的是一个不错的办法,那么接下来就和出国留学网来看看托福写作范文 :提高免费互联网服务。

  The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost.


  With the advent of the information age, internet and advanced technological gadgets are becoming more and more accessible, actually they are now as important as basic necessities in life like water supply and electricity. When it comes to the question of whether government should provide free internet access to all citizens, personally I am in favor of this initiative based on the following reasons.

  Admittedly, providing free internet access to the public in schools, shopping malls, tourist spots and even households might incur some financial burden to the city since the government has to invest in the infrastructure and networks and even dedicate staff members to maintain the operation, however, it is well worth the effort and financial resource to provide such service.

  First off, internet now is an indispensable part of people’s lives, and we simply cannot live and work without it. Providing free internet service can make people’s lives more convenient and bring efficiency to working places. For example, college students can utilize internet to send emails to inquire professors about certain issues in the academics, use different kinds of online service to assist their study. Internet makes it possible for professors to involve multimedia in the their classrooms, making the class more interactive and engaging. Also, businessmen can capitalize on the internet and monitor various data like management cost, profit, asset and liability, ultimately they can avoid certain financial loss and make more profit. Generally, internet makes lives more convenient, citizens can use location based apps to find restaurants, museums, sports centers, etc. Apart from that, internet brings a more connected community and facilitates interaction between citizens and businesses. More importantly, a city with free internet access in public places will see its popularity boosted and attract people to move in or visit.

  Additionally, providing free wifi access to everyone is a very conducive tool for empowerment and social engagement, shortening the gap between the rich and the poor, the underprivileged and the privileged. Actually, internet access, cell phone contracts, and data plan can be very expensive and not very affordable to people with lower incomes. Providing free internet service to these people gives them life changing opportunities, like job hunting, on-line course, and even health advice. Consequently, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.

  To conclude, providing free internet service to citizens has lots of benefits since internet makes people’s lives more convenient and brings efficiency to working places, more importantly, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.






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